I can’t believe 2017 is ending. As cliche as it sounds, this year has completely flown by. I have to attribute it to my sweet baby girl and time flying with her. This year has been a year full of a lot of change and a lot growing! It has been my favorite year yet.

Here is our BRIEF year in review. . . . The year started off kind of hectic and very hard on me. I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and struggled pretty badly. I have a rockstar husband that truly helped me through this. I left a situation that was incredibly damaging to my health. Thankfully this was only during the first two months of 2017!

We have watched L change SO much. From a teeny tiny baby at the start of the year, to an actual toddler that is everywhere and in everything! We celebrated her first birthday. We witnessed her very first steps and her very first words. L graduated her first session of ISR Swim Lessons. We celebrated her second Christmas (RSV Free)! and are bringing in the new year tomorrow with my brother who is in town from France!




We moved to a house & neighborhood that was better suited for us!

Hubby started graduate school and I continued in my graduate program.

I started two new hobbies of blogging in July and got serious about learning photography. I have absolutely loved learning more about taking photos and participated in workshops to get better at it.


For today and tomorrow, we hope to sit back and reminisce on one of my favorite years! Even in the midst of chaos and business and stress that were inevitable, 2017 was a year full of so much joy. I have loved 2017 and my heart is so grateful for another year of this crazy beautiful life!

I am so excited for 2018 and to see what it has in store for us. My goal is truly take in every moment, grow in my faith, show more love and grace, and maybe even not take life so seriously 🙂 I hope to continue to get better at photography and show that through my blog. I also see potty training in our very near future! In addition, as L is getting more verbal, continuing to teach her Spanish is super important this year!






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